Server Status
This site is dedicated to checking the status of our servers at Simply Web Services. This page shows the status of the main services on our servers.
HTTP = This is the service that makes your web page function
HTTPS = This is the service that controls the SSL (Secure web pages)
FTP = File Transfer Protocol, this is how you upload to your server
SFTP = This is secure FTP
SMTP= This is Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, outgoing email
POP3 = Post Office Protocol – This is incoming email
IMAP = This is another form of incoming email
If a server is down, we will post updates to the blog section of this website. Use the contact form to communicate with us if there are any issues.
Checking service status .........
Checking service status .........
Checking service status .........
Checking service status .........
Checking service status .........
Checking service status .........
Checking service status .........
Checking service status .........